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Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what may

Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:59 pm
Ok, I am "coming out" of the "closet" in regard to my incontinence (thats a funny term.. sounds like I'm talking about sexuality rather than a medical problem :P) on Facebook and am publishing a youtube video on the same topic for all to see. This is bold, gutsy, and its the only way to do things. I am TIRED of the stigma.. I want to raise awareness. I honestly do't care about it anymore.. so in terms of this subforum topic, I deal with it by not giving a rat's a## who knows anymore.

Just in case some folks don't have FB.. here's the text in all its glory:

OK..I have alluded to it, so I may as well come out and say it.. Time to come public to end stigma. I, Robert Kenneth Sullivan, am among the 30+ million individuals suffering from urinary and bowel incontinence in the united states. I have no shame, and do not care at all who knows as long as they respect me. I am seeking treatment for it in April. Iti s a surgical procedure called Interstim, please pray for its success. I deal with moderate to heavy urinary incontinence on a daily basis, and bowel incontinence on a more occasional basis. I am coming out to shatter the stigma and raise awareness. I don't care what knowing this does. I'm tired of hiding. I'm tired of the stigma that surrounds this condition. It needs to end NOW!!!!!!
And yes, this is exactly why I founded CARE...i know first hand what low quality products are out there, and what a difference having quality makes.

Yeah, its like a huge burden has been taken off my shoulders.. I feel free from hiding, free from awkward questions of why I have a backpack. Free from having to sneak around with diapers when changing at work or a public place. I am FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace out!


Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:00 pm

Hear, hear! Bravo!

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:11 pm

Wow, this is really brave, hope it turns out positive......I wish I could one day get to a point where I could share something like this....
Good luck !

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:06 pm

Rob, well done and very courageous of you.


Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:25 am

Awesome. Having just had a look at your profile and that post, it appears that you've got a lot of support around you. Hopefully, this'll be the start of a new carefree life for you...

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:44 am

Bravo, Robert. What you're doing is indeed gutsy and the kind of thing that is needed to reduce stigma.

BTW, I've been one of your Facebook friends but never made the connection between your name and the SociologyGeed ID.

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:34 am

Never be afraid of who you are, and never hide it either. Glad ti hear you've embraced this.

Heck, I'd be right there with you too....if I ever really used facebook.

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:38 pm

that's ballsy. Good for you. My wife is the only one who knows other than the doctor. I'll never tell anyone else, but I give you a ton of credit for doing that!

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:41 pm

Way to put it out there Rob, I'm still in the place where I would like to share what I have been through, but afraid to. Looks like you have a lot of support.

Re: Have gone public on my FB to shatter stigma.. come what

Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:29 pm

Thats great Rob. :D

I know that it took a lot of courage to publicly come out and reveal that you have incontinence.

My family knows and some of my friends also know but thats just about it.

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