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Nervous about incontinence being exposed during lithotripsy

Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:22 pm

Hey all,
While I am trying to stay calm as possible about my whole diaper situation, and having to live in them permanently for the forseeable future, there are times when I just get into a nervous panic. For this upcoming lithotripsy, I will have someone with me other than my mom and dad, who already know about the incontience. It will be my aunt. As far as I know, she does not know that i am incontinent or that i wear adult diapers. What I am nervous about is bringing extra supplies in a bag for after the procedure in case I need to change while still at the hospital, and her asking whats in the bag, and also when I undress to put on the gown for the procedure, whether my diaper will be visible in the back under the gown. I already realized I won't be able to wear my onesie, since the metal snaps will throw off the procedure. It wouldnt do much good under a gown anywy, i mean, it would look just as odd or off balance than it would to wear just the diaper. maybe I'm overreacting.. My aunt used to be am medical receptionsist, so I doubt shed make a big deal of it..its just embarassing to potentially expose myself like this. I just wish incontience and diaper wearing didnt have the stigma that it does..then we wouldn't be embarassed by these types of situations.

Any and all insight and advice on how to handle this would be most appreciated. I could care less if the techincians or the doctors or nurses see me in a diaper, but my aunt is another story. that would get really awkward. In a way i wish it was my other aunt who is a nurse, who was made aware of the incontience prior.

Peace out!


Re: Nervous about incontinence being exposed during lithotri

Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:24 pm


Tell you aunt and ask her to respect your secret. That will make everything emotionally much less stressful for you.


Re: Nervous about incontinence being exposed during lithotri

Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:28 pm

I quite agree. If your aunt was a medical receptionist she must already be pretty good at keeping secrets so ask her to keep your too. That way you can be quite relaxed.

Re: Nervous about incontinence being exposed during lithotri

Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:29 pm

Ok.. that's well and good, but how do i broach the subject? Do i just come out and say, hey i wet myself so i wear diapers? Probably not. So, if disclosure is the way to go, HOW do i go about it?

Re: Nervous about incontinence being exposed during lithotri

Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:49 pm

You're stressing out about nothing. I'm sure she won't make a big deal of it.

When you are getting undressed for the procedure you will have a private room or area closed off by a curtain. You can ask everyone to leave while you change into the surgery garb. Once the procedure is done the nurses in the recovery area will cover you with a light blanket for dignity and privacy. When you are ready to go home you can ask for privacy to get changed again.

Re: Nervous about incontinence being exposed during lithotri

Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:23 pm

Now that I think about it, you are right Doug.. My mom reassured me that i have nothing to worry about. I did ask her maybe a friend of mine would be a better choice that my aunt becuase he lives right in town, but it's possible he might be working during the procedure.. and my aunt would know what to do with post operative instructions more than my friend yeah..
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