Patrick wrote:
Have you tried pin on washables? They can be easily unpinned, for convenience, when needed, then re-pinned.
Pinning doesnt work for me but I have Angel Fluff diapers with velcro
Thanks for offering solutions, but this was more of a vent than an actual information solicitiation. I plan on getting my hands on some lightewight angel fluff contour diapers to use as change when wet. Velco, easy to put on, quick to wash quick to dry. Its just Im realizing that if I hydrate as a person should, its going to result in more episodes with larger output than usual.. and that requires me to up my protection game even more. I was wearing a forsite to work, and felt like it was going to leak on me, so I decided to sample Mega Max, to see if it will fit better now that i have lost weight. With my job, we dont have a lot of time to stop for bathroom breaks. I would rather minimize diaper changes and thus wear a more substantial diaper. Forsite fits well and absorbs a TON. Definitely a strong contender for my new favorite diaper. It fits better than Better dry with less excess material. I never thought I'd say that since Im a huge better dry fan. But Mega Max is even more absorbent than Forsite.. i feel the need for maximum absorbency possible right now. If I just order a case every now and then I can minimize cost.
As for coffee intake, limiting it is ideal for health but very hard for me to give up especially when I dont sleep well and have a full shift of pushing carts ahead of me. My main concern is that it dehydrates me and the caffine poorly timed can screw with my sleep quality.
We will figure this out. AS of right now, I only plan to wear forsite and better dry as extended wear use before removal options, with the shapely series angel fluff diapers as my change when wet diaper, the cloth equivalent of a midrange throwaway medicaid diaper.. only ill have a large quantiy on hand and wash them when necessary.
Peace out!