
Support for dealing with incontinence
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:01 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:33 pm
Posts: 1565
Location: MI
Hi family..
Just a post to let you know I'm still alive.. and yes, still working toward founding the non profit.. more about that in a minute. But first.. it seems lately im completly dry.. but STILL wear protection all the time because A) im just used to it and B) i never know when the flood gates will open.. to this day still have not pinned down what exactly causes an episode...

Oh, and Ive been tolddd I dont need to cath as much.. turns out every time I cath my output is below the 100 cc thereshold or right at ti.. so shes less worried about me missing than she was before. But I still cath when I remember just to ensure smoothly functoning kidneys and to reduce wet diapers.

On the nonprofit front.. I realized before i could start fundrasing, I needed to do reasearch and Indentify concretely 100% without a doubt my target population. As of today, im still in the process of doing that. But I figured out a distirbution model. Consulting with the program director at the National Diaper Bank network, she said that diaper banks don't try to suppy diapers to the point of giving every family all the diapers they need, butt rather a set numer. She then gabe the example of 50 diapers per month.. i thought cool, lets do that.. until i figured out the cost of serving 1000 recipients that amouunt with Confidry (That is pretty much the standard I use for figuring the maximum cost, as it is as far as i know the most expensive product per case that seems to be widley used). to distribute 1000 recioients 50 diapers a month, id need over a million dollars!. But, if i instead distribute 1 case every 3 months, and in the in-between months give 1 bag, that would help defray the cost significantly for those struggling, but not leave me bankrupt. the cost would be roughly 400,000 less than the 50 diaper a month model. I recently realized I need to factor in seniors, and how many of them dont have access to the internet, so im wondering how would I reach them, since this has been by definition, and cost saving necessity, an online venture.

So just thougth id let yall know where that stands..

Peace out!'


"We cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love" Mother Teresa

"THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!" - Captain Picard from Chain of Command, Part II

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