What type of cloth diapers have you tried?
What worked out and what hasn't?
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New to Cloth

Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:29 am

Hey guys, I'm looking to try more cloth diapers for when I need to let things breath and/or recover from rashes. I was curious how everyone handled the diaper pail situation? Right now I take them off in the shower in the morning, rinse them as I clean myself and leave them on the floor of the shower to air out some until I take them downstairs to the washer. It means a daily load of laundry, which is okay while my cloth supply is low but I know this isn't a tenable solution for longer term. Any advice on getting myself set up?

Also, I have some cloth from a company that went under which I pair with Rears cloth pull-up pants. With my back injury this works for me. Man, I can't do the oblique movement to save my life. I've ordered one from Angel Fluff to expand my collection/supply but they're so expensive when you ain't a skinny minny. Any recommendations would be helpful! :)

Re: New to Cloth

Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:11 pm

I can (and usually do) go two days without washing diapers if I do a simple rinse and spin cycle. On the second day, I have at least 8 diapers to wash and often more, which is a good size load. I do not use a pail. I do not let wet diapers sit in the washer overnight without at least a rinse and spin.
I use ACD, and have been for years. I used angel soft for a few years before that. Before that, my mom made them. I’ve thought seriously about making my own lately. I use medium size, but only because of my wide hips. Small fits but puts the pins at my sides with little extra pinning area. I’m thinking I can contour cut to fit me without the material folding at the legs that adds bulk (from rectangular prefold diapers) which I’d like to avoid. I’d add extra thickness in the areas where I need it most. I have a heavy duty sewing machine that should get through the material easily. Making my own should save a lot of money and ultimately fit me much better!

Re: New to Cloth

Fri Nov 06, 2020 7:40 pm

Regarding the cost of cloth diapers: Granted, they are initially expensive. To deal with this I replace them 2-3 each year, which keeps my inventory current without threatening our bank balance. The clear polyurethane pants from AngelFluff wear like iron; some of them are more than seven years old. However, I have been told to anticipate surgery sometime in the next six months, if covid19 does not overstress our local hospitals. My family, who do not usually participate in my situation, will see my inventory for the first time. I anticipate some complaints when they see my older, ratty diapers.

Re: New to Cloth

Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:35 pm

I use cloth almost exclusively. Since I know how to sew, the cost is not too much. Each one will last me about 7 hours, yes they are bulky, but I do not care, so it is not a problem. I make them in an hour glass shape much like a disposable diaper. After they are used I put them in a lined thrash can on my back porch. I will wash them about every three days.

As for plastic pants I make them and each cost me less than $1.00.

If you, or someone you know, can use a sewing machine, cloth diapers are not expensive.

Re: New to Cloth

Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:28 am

Sadly, I don't know anyone who can sew to make them less pricy. I might just keep getting one every so often to get them as an option. I appreciate everyone's feedback.

Re: New to Cloth

Tue Nov 10, 2020 6:23 am

stopping the rashes would probably help a bit.
rash free here with Fecal issues daily.. the dimethicone sage cloths and
the occasional touch up with calmoseptine for chaffing areas works wonders for me...,
really sold on the sage wipes. very pricey tho.

wish I could offer more help with the cloth logistics though. just not something
I could deal with due to my circumstances.

Re: New to Cloth

Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:40 pm

When I started having IC issues I followed what is probably the usual progression - store bought disposables, then on-line ordered disposables. As the quantity which needed absorbing between changes increased the cost of disposables became more of an issue. As I slept on my side the "disposable side leak issue" became apparent one night. I was using Tranquillity ATNs, which are supposedly designed for use in bed. On-line I found a suggestion to put a daytime weight cloth diaper and plastic pants over the disposable; it worked, no more leaks.
Then my spine decided to force my to sleep in a recliner and I discovered another issue - the internal leak guards started to make lines of sores on my backside. So I tried cloth diapers (doubled) instead and the sores healed. That was when I switched to cloth around the house and my adventures with washing diapers in HARD water began. This is material for another post.

For a diaper pail I had an empty cat litter bucket; it's polyethylene with a lid that seals well. It holds all the weight of diapers that I can carry.
Fortunately I only have to deal with urine (yet). I rinse out the diapers and store them in the bucket for no more than 2-3 days. I may need to get another bucket the way things have been going lately. I wash diapers separately form all other wash as they need Borax and Oxyclean in with the detergent, and also should be dried hotter than most clothes can stand.
I wish everyone well on their "adventures".
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