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Re: diapers in Japan

Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:06 pm

Glad to help. Not sure what the translation was exactly, but I got the blue bag when I was there. They were pretty thin, cloth backed, and sagged badly, though. I was not impressed with them.

Re: diapers in Japan

Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:08 am

Hi Brian,

as I speak a little bit of japanese (quite useful there, in fact) I can translate you more or less the brands, the blue one are your american brand diapers sold worldwide Attends (attendo in japanese) and the others are called Raifurii, japanese emterprise and made. And if you look closer doen of the attends you´ll see a littile publish with a diapered guy walking dowstairs and says that are the most secure and absorbent and confortable. In fact those where the ones I took cause depends I prooved them but a japanese rand was a unique chance, and everything ok in terms of absorption and confort, they are very big so not very discreet (like a tena maxi more or less) and in plastic so very noisy in a house and wearing normal pants, it´obvious that the noise each tine you move is detected as a diaper, but as I don´t care. all my friends now and when meet somebody I want him to know quick because if he has prblems for having a friend who needs diapers then he doesn´t deserve my friendship. Not at all!! Thats my philosophy. Even when I met girls in disco and we had feeling and started kissing I say about my spinal injury and diapers and I have never been rejected. And if it happens someday ´ll tell her tast first she loes a night of lust and me whi always priorize her pleasure than mine, and second tht she s a nazi person and that if someday you have to pass for this, you´ll taste your own behaviour. and I know that women are much more comprehensive with the diapers than the guys, so.....but I insist to this time (and I use diapers 24/7 since may 2004 (and diapers for sleeping ´tll sixteen) and I promised my self thatv i were very lucky L4 vertebra broke....if it had L3 i would be in wheelchair, so that´s luck, and I decided that the diapers wasn´t gonna be a limit and that I´ll do (and done since then) the sabe things that I would do if I wearn´t diapers.

Very friendly salutations to you, Brian, and my best regards for everyone else.

Lord Duque

Re: diapers in Japan

Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:32 pm

Ah, good to know. They must have really improved upon the design since I used them last year too. Also good to know.

Re: diapers in Japan

Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:08 am


The sales of adult diapers have far outnumbered the ones of baby diapers for nearly five years now. Finding them is really easy and quality is top-notch. For those of you who may be interested in knowing more about the Japanese diaper revolution, we recommend you to have a look at an article I recently wrote about the subject: https://hashi.biz/japanese-adult-diapers/

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