Diapers, pads, or other types of protection?

Daytime and nighttime protection.
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Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:31 pm

I cannot get my head around why someone would wear diapers for fun. I hate seeing people making fun out of a situation I'm forced into or more correctly, We are forced to deal with on a daily basis. They should try having to wear diapers 24/7 deal with the smells, having to deal with relatives, work and travel situations....while being diapered not knowing when you wet or need a change, dealing with leaks etc.

Sorry for venting about this. However while searching the internet I came accros several webpages where people discussed AB/DL topics, I felt disgusted by the topics and the users....not helping I read a news article about some girls "tweaking" in adult diapers on a big festival here in Denmark....needless to say that really pissed me off.

I'm embarresed about having to wear what I wear, but it's certainly not helping reading how other people not facing this problem makes fun of it.

keep discreete about private stuff is my motto.

Again sorry, I just had to rage........

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:55 am

jms, we must note that those who wear diapers for "fun" usually do so either as infantile regression or as a sexual fetish. I do not think that those of us who are not into that can really relate to it or understand. However, live and let live.

The purchasing power of the combined AB/DL community has had a positive impact on keeping certain products in the market and keeping some retailers viable. For example, consider "Kins," or more correctly "Babykins." They sell good quality onesies and cloth diapers, which some of us in this group use. Were it not for their AB/DL clients for their AB/DL-themed products, I doubt that they would be in business. I just go to their Web page, buy what I need, and ignore the rest.


Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:45 am

JDinVirginia wrote:jms, we must note that those who wear diapers for "fun" usually do so either as infantile regression or as a sexual fetish. I do not think that those of us who are not into that can really relate to it or understand. However, live and let live.

The purchasing power of the combined AB/DL community has had a positive impact on keeping certain products in the market and keeping some retailers viable. For example, consider "Kins," or more correctly "Babykins." They sell good quality onesies and cloth diapers, which some of us in this group use. Were it not for their AB/DL clients for their AB/DL-themed products, I doubt that they would be in business. I just go to their Web page, buy what I need, and ignore the rest.


I'm with JDinVirginia on this one. I'm convinced that the AB/DL crowd has a much louder voice than we do. Because of that the companies responded by offering much better products. I say let them keep complaining so even better products come to market. Otherwise we may only have Depends at our disposal.... That be the case I'd have to buy a truckload at a time! :)

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:43 pm

DJC wrote:24/7s are not available in Canada any more, I will miss them.

You can still get them thru the Age Comfort website here... http://agecomfort.com/products/confidry-24-7-maximum-absorbency-briefs.html#write_review :-) Puffy

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:19 am

Yes, I do unerstand that the combined buying power of incontinents and ABDL's are cathering and maintaining the manufaturers so they continue and improve the designs / performance.

I don't mind what people do, when they keep it private, but flaunting and exposing stuff making fun of it, what others feel embarresed off and have to wear due to medical reasons, that I consider spitting in my face and not polite. And to be honest I believe that is what makes incontinence and adult diaper dependence a taboo.

And again sorry for my venting before, I was writing my first reply, just after I read and saw the pictures of a group of young adults showing off in nothing but a big diaper to the journalist. That's what got me mad.

Hopefully I won't be seen as an old grumpy man......in this community. Funny thing is, that according to statistics, there are around 10% of the population in Denmark who suffers from incontinence, light to heavy. And yet, there isn't any serious forum there.

I'm glad I found you on this forum, at least we have a soper way of adressing topics and issues here.

Hope you all will have a nice day

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:10 pm

I'm not sure if AB/DL fueled the social taboo for adult diapers, or if the taboo fueled AB/DL, but I agree that AB/DL is a mockery of people who are incontinent. It's not just diaper use/dependance that's being abused. One of my bosses years ago had a medical fetish. His favorite thing to do was to have medical appointments and hobnob with people and their families who were in treatment for serious medical conditions. For example, he bit his tongue one day and decided he needed a neurologist appointment and an MRI of his brain.

It made me livid that not only did he lie to these people by putting on a show of false bravery and optimism, when he got bored with the sham, he got to go home to a peaceful and pleasant life, while those people lived in hell 24/7.


Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:28 am

I find it hard to imagine the ABDLs cause social taboos for adult diapers. I myself barely heard about it untill I googled adult diapers and discovered there is a whole world out there I knew next to nothing about. Until then all I knew was from reading a physchiatric text book about sexual deviations where it barely got an honorable mention. I gather most people here have the same experience. People not dealing with incontinece probably never get such exposure.
Social taboos probably comes from the mistaken idea that diapers are only for babies. Honestly, how many people here can say they didn't think so themself until they found out the hard way they were mistaken?

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:21 am

Vandel I agree. How many people are abdl? Is the number in the 10s of thousands? Maybe 100s of thousands. It is estimated that 25 Million North Americans are incontinent. Who even knows that there is an abdl fetish out there? A few companies sell items that cater to the fetish, but a few hundred thousand customers use them and that is a lot of business for a handful of businesses. Do people with a shoe fetish alter the shoe industry? I doubt it. The same is true with the diaper business. Besides that, being incontinent and occasionally wearing diapers for fetish reasons are not even in the same ballpark. People obsess here about something that is not important. Forget the abdl thing. If we could only get great joy out of wearing diapers it would be wonderful, but read the posts, the exact opposite is true. No joy here just angst and frustration. We go on yes but with anxiety and worry and to different degrees shame. But we adapt and learn and get through the day. Adding more baggage to it by even mentioning the abdl side is very non productive. Papa

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:58 am

To be hones, before I started having problems on my own, I didn't even know you could get diapers for adults simply due to it not being something I needed nor was looking for. That changed in the recent years, now I know a lot about diapers and truly, I don't like it, but I have to get my head around them. Despite I don't like having to wear them, I must admit they have giving me some freedom back, now I can go out again and give a rats ass about not being able to either locate a toilet, of if isn't available when I need it.

Do not mistake me I do not like having to resort to diapers, but they help me in my daily business, like I have read from so many others in here. If I can I use the toilet but if not, well then I'm prepared for it..... 8)

Re: I use after discovery Bambino Diapers

Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:39 pm

I guess my attitude here is that, after all the fetish and taboo materials have been eliminated, diapers are in the same category as glasses, hearing aids, crutches, walkers, braces, wheelchairs, and artificial joints. I wish I didn't need my glasses, but I cannot drive a car or read a book without them. These are all medical appliances, no more, but no less. If otherwise continent folks want to pretend to share my predicament, as long as they do not involve me involuntarily, who am I to condemn them? And there are times when I would swear to heaven that my situation came from someplace other than heaven. I'm just glad to be able to resume breathing; incontinence care can wait. However, I cannot see any fun or pleasure in incontinence management. It is what it is, and I do what I must do to manage it and get on with my life.
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