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Author:  johnstone [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Epidural

I'm just killing time before I leave to have my epidural done. I've had a LOT of tests over the years, but I don't recall having an epidural done before. I might add that the epidural is NOT incon related. It is pain related and I "think' the epidual site is the L4. I'll ask to day just so I know for sure,.....but it is either the L4, or L5 of my spine that is going to receive the epidural. I'm have been having several pain issues related the my left SI joint area (deep inside the pelvis), AND several muscle spasms in my back. I've been told this epidural will effect all these pain issues so I am more than ready to have this procedure done. I just hope it does it's magic and keeps all these nerves in check for a while. The long the better. I would be jumping for joy if it lasted 4 weeks, but hey,......anything is an improvement so even if it only lasts for a week I'll take it,...something is better than nothing. All I have at the moment is pain meds and that gets old after a while,...plus it never take the pain away,.....it just tones it down so instead of having a sharp stabbing pain, at best, I have a very dull pain that may not be noticeable if I use something called a TENS unit after taking the pain meds. Anyway,....with any luck this epidural will solve some of the pain issues I currently experience. :)

Author:  2lyle [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural


Epidural can mean several things but usually has to do with the back.
I had shots in my back for pain once a month for three months. It would last for about three years it was wonderful no pain. But then the pain came back and I went for another go-around with the same results.
The pain meds that was injected into my back was 40 mgTriamcinolone +
1/8 Bupivacaine injected 2cc at each joint 4 points at least that is what I was told.

The last visit with my pain doctor I wanted another go-around of shots but he refused saying I had to many other medical problems to have it done. I was already using Fentanyl a powerful pain med all he did was double the dose I was taking it did not help.

I have not been back to see him for several years my neurologist wants to be in on any pain management do to my neuropathy. This is the result of to many doctors but I have to agree with my neurologist as neuropathy is getting quite serious.

I hope everything goes well for you

Author:  johnstone [ Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural

The epidural went fine. I got the injection way low in my back l5/S1. I can feel the difference today. However, I thought it would do something about the muscle spasms in my back but no such luck. My left SI joint area (located deep inside the pelvis) feels great, and so does certain lower parts of my back so it was still worth having done even tho it didn't do as much as I thought it would do. I guess you can't have everything.

I used Fentanyl too and it did nothing for me. Now that I'm not using it any more I am hearing more people say Fentanyl do nothing for them. I'm currently using extended release Morhpine with Oxycodone as a breakthough med. That combination seems to be working pretty good. If you have tried it, you will need to dial in the dosage and frequency to your needs. When I was using the Fentanyl my doc did the same by increasing the dosage in hopes it would work. The more I read about Fentanyl, the more I didn't want use it any more. None of this stuff is good for you, but IMO Fentanyl can kiil you. I read more negative then positive about that med so I said, no thanks, let's find something different". I just thought the risks were too high with that med to continue,.....it may work for some people but that med did nothing for me. I don't like any of the pain patches. I just have to think the med can be more effictive by adjusting the dosage, and frequency. You can only adjust the dosage with ANY of the pain patches. I'm not dialed in yet, ......but I'm close. :)

Author:  2lyle [ Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural


When I had the shots in my back I had them over six months one set of injections every two month. The first injection helped some but I also was disappointed then I had the second injection and that got rid of 99% of my back pains.
I got these injections every couple of year if needed they were wonderful not being into pain.
But my last visit with the pain clinic they would not give me anymore injection do to my other medical problems.

I been on Fentanyl for ten years and it does help me. It is one of those medications you don’t think it is working until you stop it.
The bad part any pain meds one takes for a long period of time is the withdrawals.
At one time I was on Morphine and Demerol I can’t say it did not work but I always felt I was floating into space.

Now I take Fentanyl changing the patch every 48hrs and Celebrex and Valium with Tylenol #3 for brake away pain this helps the neuropathy pain.

Once we stopped Fentanyl why I can’t remember and for three weeks the withdrawals were out of this world but I got over it.
The bad part all the pain came back so within a year I went back on it bummer I hate being addicted to anything. But my doctors feel this is the best combination for me.

Give your injections a couple of week it takes time.
Did your doctor say anything about having a second set of shots?

I really wish you all the best back pain is bad.


Author:  johnstone [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural

I only used Fentanyl for about 3 months and i deceased the dosage for 2 weeks thna stop using it all together. I never experienced any withdrawals but I know it is very common with many of these meds. The imporatnt thing is that you have you pain undrer control and I am very close to being dialed in all the way.

Author:  diaperdan [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural

My Pain Specialist finally had to burn nerve endings to stop the pain. I had my l 1,2,3,4,5 done. They started on mt t-11-12 joint collapse. I never got it finished.

Author:  JDinVirginia [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural


Good luck with the epidurals. The success seems to vary considerably between individuals.

When I used a TENS unit the results were so-so at best.

I have had two epidural shot so far for L4/L5 and L3 issues. Unfortunately, due to complications from an old accident with implanted surgical hardware and calcium deposits, it is difficult for a surgeon to give me the epidural and it is excruciatingly painful for me. However, afterward, I have received up to seven months of (mostly) relief. The second shot has not been quite as effective as the first, but I am into my fifth month. I am not sure how effective the third shot will be.

Best wishes,

Author:  Nieon [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Epidural

I wish and hope that all gets better soon with you,Sometimes we have to go through it which causes some inappropriate things with our brain as well.I guess keeping ourselves away from it what we need.

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