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GI bleed

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:58 pm
by Patrick
I just returned from having a colonoscopy, during which the doctor discovered two polyps, the larger of which was seeping blood. They were removed, cauterized, and all is well. However, the staff were more than thoughtful, way, way more than thoughtful. They would not change my diaper, and they insisted on covering me with at least six layers of blankets while I took care of that task. Drunk on anesthetic, unable to see what I was doing, I stuck myself repeatedly with the three inch pins I use, I put it on clumsily, and soon leaked while my wife drove me home. This sexual harassment frenzy is getting out of hand. Clearly, that is the issue which motivated the staff. All I wanted to do was get dressed and go home. End of rant. Thanks for letting me vent.

Re: GI bleed

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:53 pm
by MSUSpartan
I don't understand why they would be prudish after they just got done putting a tube up your rear end.

Could it be something related to you using cloth diapers? People no longer being familiar with how to manage them, and not wanting to assuming liability for something they don't train for? I'm stretching here, just trying to figure it out.

Re: GI bleed

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:51 pm
by Patrick
I had my thyroidectomy at this same hospital in April, 2018; the disposable diapers I was given then convinced me that washables were the way to go today. I guess they were afraid to leave me alone, and unwilling to assist me in such a delicate task. Live and learn.

Re: GI bleed

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:56 am
by MSUSpartan
Well, I mean, the disposables that the hospital gives you maybe not the best representation for making your final determination of whether or not disposables work, but I'm not in your shoes.

What's up with the thyroidectomy? I have thyroid issues, but hypo issues, so I'm not having money removed. I'm on synthroid for years.

Re: GI bleed

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:04 pm
by Wetters
Patrick, I'm so very sorry you were forced to to endure that. I'd ask your doc for an explanation now that the anesthesia has likely worn off (patients are cautioned in writing not to sign legal documents, make monetary transactions, or have phone or internet communication until the morning after a colonoscopy). Colonoscopies are so dreadfully invasive and degrading (I get them every year due to my high-risk status), and the staff didn't need to make a miserable situation more so for you. Maybe they worried that you might immediately and involuntarily pee on them when they removed your used diaper...?

Re: GI bleed

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:10 pm
by Patrick
The hospital disposables were cheap, really cheap, and, because I have had experience with colonoscopies before, I knew that the anal leakage which always follows them would overwhelm such flimsy protection. I wanted the assurance that only cloth would provide.

My thyroid difficulties were caused by a childhood radiation injury. I had two thyroid polyps; the larger one was going cancerous, so both had to be removed.

Re: GI bleed

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:22 pm
by Patrick

Lifting the blankets high enough to allow me to see what I was doing would have been OK. But it might have violated patient privacy policy; I do not know. If you are on the list to get this yearly, you have my sympathy. Drinking that GoLytely when every swallow comes back was thoroughly exasperating. I'm sure I hadn't cleaned myself well enough, so the staff had to give me an enema on the table, which did not endear me to the GI physician who conducted the exam.