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Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:09 am
by dp66
This Friday I will be meeting with my cardiologist to review the results of my holter monitor that I wore for 48 hrs. a few weeks ago. It's been a frustrating road to try to get some course of action for my condition. My initial tests began 4 month ago. I have been on metoprolol and verapamil, but they don't seem to be working. My symptoms haven't changed, plus I have gained 5-6 lbs. since I started taking these meds. I have always prided myself at being a trim/fit individual...have run marathons back in the day. In addition, my wife will be having foot surgery on Thursday, and will not be able to put any weight on it for a month. As a result, she will not be the extra set of ears at my appointment. I said that she didn't need to go, but If I didn't find a substitute, she would cancel her surgery. Of course, I did not want that to happen. I did find a good friend that agreed to be with me. Here's where my anxiety begins to rise. I had prostate surgery some 20 months ago, and as a result wear a diaper. My level of anxiousness always tends to rise when there is a possibility of my diaper being reveled. My friend, a she, knows of my incontinence, but the thought of her seeing me in a diaper weighs on me. I'm trying to formulate some questions for me and her to ask the cardiologist about what happens next. If the meds aren't working, for example. My condition involves ventricular tachycardia, apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with some scarring. So, if anyone has gone through any of what I just described, I would appreciate any suggestions/advice. I apologize for this long post. It's going to be a busy/interesting week.

Re: Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:53 am
by Padded53
Concerning revealing your diaper... You said your friend knows about your incontinence so it shouldn't be a big surprise for her to see you wearing some form of protection. That said I can totally understand not wanting to be seen in a full tape-up diaper with the stigma that is attached to them. It's interesting to note that I've found women are much more accepting, and less judgmental, of someone having to wear a form of "protection" then men are. Maybe a premium quality (Abena, Northshore, Molicare) pull-up could be the answer. At least they look a good bit like underwear and they do hold a lot, at least enough for one or two wettings. If your incontinence is very light a Depend or Tena pull-up (the one with stripes) look even more like regular underwear but it's pretty much one wetting and done for them.
BTW... Good luck on the heart tests, incontinence problems really seem minor compared to heart problems and I hope they find a good solution for your issues. Hope this helps!

Re: Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:09 am
by Patrick
With my cardiac appointments, I always try to drain my bladder the last thing before I see my cardiologist, and I wear appropriate protection and keep my gym/diaper bag handy. Good luck.

Re: Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:41 am
by RobertH
Try not to Stress about it, since she knows about your incontinence issue she probably wont even bat a eye if she sees you in a diaper, over time more people will probably find out you need to wear protection for your incontinence issue especially if they go with you for medical appointments.

We all put our selves through unneeded stress when we worry about what may happen if some one finds out of our IC issue and diaper requirements and in the end when they find out they are usually very supportive.

Good luck with your appointment hope all is ok

Re: Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:51 pm
by mikey1966
unless they are going to do an angiogram through the groin or to check the groin pulses then there should be no reason for them to go any where near the diaper area.

one thing hospital staff are used to seeing people in pads or whatever as they all use them for people who are incontinent.

Re: Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:31 pm
by MadreapHazel
Hello i am new here and i want to quickly want a great cardiologist appointment for my mother

Re: Cardiologist appointment

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:05 pm
by Wetters
M'Hazel, I think you may have misunderstood the characterization of this forum - It isn't a doctor's office. It's a support forum for people who have urinary and or fecal incontinence. I would ask your mother's primary care physician for a referral.
