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Re: urology tests

Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:19 am

Thanks for all the support giys.It's certainly encouraging
to know that there's so many other's coping with incontinence.
I won't change my work because of it,learning to manage is the trick.
And have been testing many products too.currently tena pants work well.and pads,but have been trying out taped products too.
Think it will be a long term situation as my back problems are the main cause.


Re: urology tests

Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:22 am

Hi Again.
Yesterday I had a second meeting actually with my urologist and not his crew.
Went in for 1.55 appointment finally got to see him at around 5.00 big clinic yesterday.
Anyway more tests to be done, interestingly it seems that a previous back condition higher up in in the C area of my back,caused by a whiplash injury in 2004,which has been plaguing me since and and there is little can be done as a operation is deemed to risky, (I claimed on this accident against the guy who rear ended me and case is was settled in 2010 so no more help there).
obviously the Cuadia Equina and lower back issues are complicating things but not the main cause as the nerves controlling the bladder are higher than L4/L5 in the back.
So a Urodynamic test is next and from there who knows but my consultant seems very confident that he can successfully treat my issues,with a possible operation and without medication,which really was not working for me.
I am managing for now with pads or diapers depending on what I am doing for the day.

Re: urology tests

Thu May 15, 2014 4:00 am

Update re tests well I have now had the urodynamics test,and a lot of fun not! It was too.
But results show I have small bladder,and there are options.
One treatment is to have botox put in and see how things go and learning to CSIC,also trying Betmiga drug to if that helps.Major surgery option too is also suggested to enlarge the bladder.
At least now I know more about why I have incontence.
Combined with back issues and nerve damage.
What's best to do and has anyone been faced with the same choices.
Rorg :?: :? :)

Re: urology tests

Thu May 15, 2014 5:00 am

Glad you 'enjoyed' your tests!

On a serious note, I went for the bladder expansion back in 1999. My issues were MS ones and this involved lots of gushes that would only work with sheaths (external catheters) and was cause skin problems under the sheath. I had already got a supra-pubic catheter but the pressure was causing leaks around the catheter and out of my penis. It is quite a big operation and takes a while to recover from. This route may well help you but at a price - you may find that you end up having to self catheterise at least part of the time to keep the residual urine low. In my case, the mechanism seems to have jammed so I can only urinate via a self-catheterisation, which I do 4 or 5 times a day, but which has the advantage I don't have to wear any protection, night or day.

Botox could help you but it only works for a while so the treatments have to be repeated every few months. When I had this sort of treatment botox wasn't used and phenol was put in. I found that it was helpful at first and further treatments were less helpful which is why I went for the operation instead.

Assuming you have not problems with residual urine, you may well be better off just dealing with the leaks as interventions, however well meaning, do lead to other problems. Let me know if you would like anything further on this.

Re: urology tests

Fri May 16, 2014 4:51 am

Hi Wheels5894.
Thank you for your informed response,I am it all much thought over the next months and I have been scheduled a teaching CIS procedure in November.
So I will have sometime to consider the options I don't have a retention issue as such yet and working away with pads/protection when out and about is no a huge problem.
I am concerned about the medication options as side affects may not be worth the hassle but happy to try it and see what happens.
The Botox does seem a short term solution but may also be worth a try.
Anyway lots to think about and many thanks again for the support from all in the group.


Re: urology tests

Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:49 am

Hi again.
Well here's the update did the CIS and have now also had the botox treatment, yesterday so still will have to see if it work's.
Biggest issue was having no protection yesterday and having an accident after the procedure.
Anyway got home and now to wait for the botox to work

Re: urology tests

Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:57 am

Thanks for keeping us updated, rorg. Hope it all works out for you. In the meantime, it may not be a bad idea to stay in diapers.....I guess we've all been there and find that the diapers are the lesser of all evils.....
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