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Odor Control - What Works For You?

Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:34 am

For anyone that is incontinent, odor control is probably a concern especially if you spend a lot of time away from home around other people. I know drinking more fluids helps reduce odor, but I found taking over the counter meds can help reduce, or elimate odor associated with being incontinent. I take Nullo, and Chlorophyll & Mint tables twice a day and when taken together they work very well in controling odor.

If you have found something that works for you, plase make a post and tell everyone.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:46 am

Some good points there John.

Being that I have only urinary incontinence odor isn't as huge an issue for me as it would be for someone who has fecal incon. However, going around smelling like pee all day isn't very socially acceptable, so I do try and take some steps to minimize this.

Step #1: Probably the easiest out there, change that diaper! From what I've read on here I know we have many fans of "extended wear" diapers like Abriform X-plus and Dry 24/7. While these diapers hold a ton, relatively speaking, they also begin to smell quite strongly after a while. If you've had one on for several hours there is more than a liter of urine in it, and there isn't really too much you can do to mask that. So, as much as we all hate changing in public, if you are going to be in a social situation where close contact is likely make sure you are as fresh as possible going in.

Step #2: I most always use some sort of powder in my diaper. It helps prevent irritation and can also assist in covering up smells. If you aren't a big fan of the infantile smell of baby powder I suggest trying something like Gold Bond medicated powder, which has the added benefit of a plesant cooling sensation on the skin.

Step #3: This may seem counter-intuitive but as John mentioned, drink more fluids, especially clear ones. Staying well hydrated will dilute the urea content in your urine so while you may produce more it actually be less concentrated and will smell less. Dilute urine will also be less damaging to your skin, so you will be healthier all around.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:42 am

Amen to step three!!
Yes I've stated the same thing many times. Keep yourself Hydrated :!: and not with Soda,Coffee,sport drinks, etc. WATER is best it's so easy to just go and slug some water down every few hours during the day and often you can do it for free :!:

I can honestly say that I rarely have to deal with the odor issue. And I also rarely deal with rashes. I know I've stated this before. But when I got away from Soda fast/Junk food Coffee and so on. Started drinking plenty of water. I never take anything for odor. Rashes became a thing of the past. Well OK I still get them in July and August during the hot months. But it's not usually that bad.

One thing that will also help with stopping/controlling Rashes and Odor is to keep yourself clean as well. Wipe your Diaper area down when you change can also help.

....................Sandy :)

Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:23 pm

I may not be as fresh as a daisy sometimes when I've been out and about and been away from home for several hours without a change, but changing in a public restroom is not something I will do unless it is an emergency. Since I've been taking the odor control meds, I really don't have much, if any, odor issues any more. Maybe its a combination of a lot of things, but I think I could count the number of times I have changed in a public restroom on both hands after 20 years. Maybe its a differnet for me because I'm mobile (no wheelchair) so going into the restroom stall carring a shopping bag looks a little strange....... and then there is the noise of unfastening the tapes and disposing of the diaper before I leave.......not for me. I would just rather wait until I get home to change even if I've soiled odor anyway.

Odor control

Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:11 am

Yeah, I'm late getting on board with this one....

Good replies....just want to add a couple of things.

As for powder, use "Shower to Shower" which is a brand name or any of the generic body powders intended to fight body odors and keep you fresh. There are many knock offs costing less than the big name "Shower to Shower" which started the great idea of deodorant powders.

Next, a liquid deodorant spray for diapers! "Fresh Again" is the brand name here and it imparts a feint vanilla odor to you, as your diaper gets wetter thru out the day. Works well for both cloth and disposables.

I have to agree that the premium extended wear diapers can be disappointing with odor that becomes noticeable after a few hours....once I discovered that, I made the use of "Fresh Again" mandatory! Spray the inside of the diaper liberally before taping it on....and yes, you get a cold shock from the deodorant wetness!

And the best adice has already been posted and emphasisized....drink water to keep hydrated and your urine diluted!

Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:51 pm

I've tried the Inner Mint pills that I had received as a trial when I had ordered supplies. I never noticed any less of a urine odor after I had taken the pills for the recommended time period. My overnight diaper has the strongest urine odor of any of the day's diapers I think because I think my urine seems to be stronger or more concentrated when I wet at night. As the day wears on my urine seems to be more dilute and does not have nearly as strong an odor as the first thing in the morning. I'm still haing trouble drinking as many fluids as I should. I know this would help with the odor issue but I don't want any more diaper changes that I already have thru the course of a day. I use powder and I clean myself as best possible when changing.

Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:57 pm

I always start out in the morning with a shower and use a deodorant shower gel. I follow up with baby lotion and powder. I also keep my hair down there short as I think that helps as well. Water, Yes I agree, drink lots of plain water. I am one of those that wears the extra plus diapers. Along with one or two booster pads and I usually last eight hours between diaper changes. Otherwise unless it is really hot out and that hasn't happened as of yet, living in Wisconsin, the odor thing doesn't usually come up.
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