Describe how having incontinence has change your life.
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Re: In a negative way!

Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:26 pm

JMS, I am super happy to hear that you guys are gaining ground in your marriage. Your situation is very close to mine with some minor variations. I have had a lot of feelings of inadequacy since I began having trouble with my bladder. I have a lot of anxiety about it and how she always seems to stay away from the diaper as if it's going to make her incontinent too. She doesn't want to hear it, see it, or know anything about them. It's been really frustrating to me. I try to talk to her but we either get interrupted by the kids or when we're alone together in bed after the kids are in bed, she's alive and talkative about whatever she's talking about, if I bring up something to do with diapers she's like "I'm falling asleep,goodnight" I've had sex once this month.......I'm's not enough, I have a healthy libido when I'm not plagued by ED........she tells me that she doesn't want to do anything because "you'll have problems (ED) and it'll take forever" so we just don't do it unless she's really in the mood.........

Re: In a negative way!

Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:31 am

When we are going to be intimate, usually my wife is taking abth first then go in and wait for me, then it's me who showers, always last one. That also gives me a chance to emty my bladder. As soon as we are done, I quickly go and grap my protection to avoid any accidents...

My wife does not wan't to touch me in my crotch when / if I have a diaper on, neither if I have normal clothes on too...hopefully that will come eventually. At least in the beginning she touched me in that area eventhough I wore a diaper underneath my underwear, but for the last year or something she hasn't. That annoys the hell out of me......but I just have to have patience. Not that I live to have her touch or massage me in my diaper, but at least it would show some aceptence from her side.
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