Figured I weigh in.
I was a total wreck when I went to my GP and confessed that I have some incontinence problems. I have been in denial for twenty years. Largely because I couldn't bring myself to let my "little secret" out to anyone. After hemming and hawing I spilled it out.
The first word out of his mouth was "UROLOGIST". Before I went to the GP I made the mistake of reading up on the incontinence health specialists. EEEKKK!
Being Bi Polar, the "Cure" sent me over the edge. Bi Polar managed well requires meds. The meds are tailored for daily life. If a stressor (like telling a doctor about the incontinence you're having trouble dealing with) arises, it sets off the Manic side of BP. It manifests itself in these situations as severe anxiety. Like I said I was a wreck.
The GP I have is really a decent. caring person. I think he realized he had just launched me into melt down mode with the standard "UROLOGIST" diagnosis. He immediately back pedaled. I think he was in no mans land at this point and didn't quite know what to say. After a few moments of awkward silence by us both, he cautiously offered that there are meds that might help. I think we both saw this as a way out of a bad situation.
As we both seemed to find some common ground, he suggested blood work to check for kidney problems and urinalysis to check for blood. I felt this was reasonable and we proceeded. The tests came back that all was well and he prescribed Oxybutynin with my agreement.
The whole incontinence issue isn't over by any means with him I suspect. I'm expecting the "DRE" next visit as I haven't had one in 30 years. I think my doc realized that visit wasn't a good time for us to get intimate
There is a possibility that a DRE will show a problem. I'm really hoping not. The approach that we seem to be on now suits me perfectly. I need time to process the humiliating uncomfortable tests that urology brings. If gradual and careful steps reveal a dangerous situation, then I'll go thru the urology battery. But quite frankly, for me diapers are a MUCH less stressful way to deal with the issue.