Hello there. I think you make some very good points. Yes, I'd agree, using a diaper or whatever protection is most appropriate for your needs personally can definitely be seen as a positive thing. It probably isn't something we ever expect to need to do or want to do at first. But personally, I've come to see it as just acknowledging a medical need and choosing the means that best deals with that need so as to be able to participate fully in what I need to do in life. My problems have got a lot worse over the last year or so and it's in recent months I've taken the step to use higher levels of protection. I know already it has made a big difference to quality of life and to things I can do - even simple things like covering in a different department at work where there's less regular possibility of bathroom breaks, or going out for the day to a place where I have no idea where the toilets will be. That might sound silly to some people but they are both things I have been able to do in recent weeks which would have been impossible without the appropriate level of protection, because I'd have had frequent messy accidents
It sounds as if our situations are a bit different as, if I understand you right, you have needed some protection since childhood, whereas I started to really need it as a young adult (although I recognise now that I probably did have some problems in childhood as well). I wonder if that makes it harder or easier to see it as a positive thing. I can imagine it's probably much harder as a child or teenager to deal with needing protection, and when at school and so on.