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 Post subject: The Agony of Defeat
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:08 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:13 pm
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Location: Southern Ontario, Canada
This is a bit of an overdue update on my IC health.

In Dec 2020, I was diagnosed U-IC due to neuropathy from long term diabetes (20+ years). I have have had years of sporadic diarrhea due to taking metformin. But in the following year, I started to lose control and this lead to some F-IC accidents. I also developed nocturnal enuresis control issues over that same year.

With diet experimentation, I've been able to reduce the diarrhea incidents (cutting out coffee sadly was #1). For urinary, as long as I empty my bladder often enough, I can get safely by in the daytime with male guards (which is a huge relief in the humid summer months).

But the risk of diarrhea remains. My diet has helped a lot, but it's not 100%. I finally had a colonoscopy done, which went well. I'll know more about the biopsy results in a couple of weeks. But so far, it is looking like my diarrhea and occasional gastroparesis is due to diabetic nerve damage.

Oh, the agony of defeat! It appears that I will have to continue to fight F-IC with diet measures. What I hate most is that you either take risks and live in fear or wear enough protection and feel over protected. F-IC is the worst.

 Post subject: Re: The Agony of Defeat
PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:27 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:45 pm
Posts: 1949
Location: North Carolina - Raleigh area
Wayne, I can relate to your predicament as I am double incontinent. While I am sorry about your F-IC, I also am profoundly sorry that you have had to give up coffee. I try to compensate by drinking decaf coffee but I still miss the caffein "boost."

You seem to be managing F-IC quite well with diet. You mention wearing male guards and no pullups or diapers. Are you wearing nothing else in case you have a fecal accident?

If your dietary measures are so effective that you really don't consider the risk of a fecal accident to be likely, good for you. However, I am one of those incontinents who tend to plan and prepare for the worse :( and then go about our day without the "fear" you mention.


 Post subject: Re: The Agony of Defeat
PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:33 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:45 am
Posts: 1864
I have gastroparesis too, but for reasons other than diabetic neuropathy. It can be the pits. While I can sometimes have a blowout that makes immediate cleanup necessary, usually it is just leakage that I do not feel until it touches my skin. And yes, coffee can be threatening, but I refuse to give it up. I take Devrom with every solid meal, keep my go bag well supplied and handy, and hope for the best. Having access to others in this situation is a real boon for me.

 Post subject: Re: The Agony of Defeat
PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:34 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:13 pm
Posts: 475
Location: Southern Ontario, Canada
JDinVirginia wrote:
You seem to be managing F-IC quite well with diet. You mention wearing male guards and no pullups or diapers. Are you wearing nothing else in case you have a fecal accident?
It varies according to how lucky I feel and the humidity/heat. If I were to have coffee (even decaf), I have to be near a toilet until the coffee has worked through (about 2 hours). If I go away from home for any length of time, I am padded. However, if just going to the grocery store or a couple of errands, I'll take chances with a guard.

I must admit that I've had some F-IC close calls. Recently, one was at a library branch but I got to the washroom in time. Going out for breakfast with friends however, was an occasion I went fully protected.
JDinVirginia wrote:
If your dietary measures are so effective that you really don't consider the risk of a fecal accident to be likely, good for you. However, I am one of those incontinents who tend to plan and prepare for the worse :( and then go about our day without the "fear" you mention.
I am having some success with the diet.. enough for me to error on the side of risk. But I know this might backfire on me one day.
Patrick wrote:
I have gastroparesis too, but for reasons other than diabetic neuropathy. It can be the pits.
I couldn't agree more. The first couple of times I had nausea and vomiting. The last time was quite painful for 3+ hours, until I was able to lie down and fall asleep. I have to be careful about having just one beer and food at the same time. I don't really drink at all anymore, but do have a beer once in a while to flush out the kidneys. I am prone to kidney stones.

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