Describe how you become incontinent.
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Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:33 pm

Hi Hetty!
I'm glad that you've found protection that is working okay for you; that's important - from experience I find that does make a huge difference to your quality of life and helps deal with bladder and bowel problems with the least impact on what you want to do.
I also experience more bladder problems around my period and have heard several others with incontinence say the same. (Actually, before my incontinence problems got bad, I would notice that I needed to go more often around that time too, and I have a couple of friends who as far as I know are not incontinent who also say they need the toilet a lot more just before their period!) I asked the doctor about it and she said that it is normal - hormonal changes at that time lead to more urine being produced, and I've also heard that the muscles in that area are less taught at that time of the month too, though I don't know why.
It must have been very hard having to deal with accidents at school and especially if your family were not always supportive. My problems also started whilst I was at school but fortunately for me at that time it was not normally fully wetting at that time, so I could manage it with pads in my underwear back then, but it still caused some embarrasing experiences as things got worse.
I'm sorry to hear that you are having bowel problems as well (I too experience occasional bowel accidents) and hope that if it's appropriate you're able to find medical support for this and your bladder difficulties, though I know from experience that doesn't always happen quickly.

Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:35 am

Hello all,

I'm new to this board. I like it so far.

I have had 4 herniated lumbar discs in the last five years. One five years ago that was trimmed. I had 3 discs that herniated June 09, and stayed that way until November the same year. During that time leg and back pain became so unbearable I was taking very high doses of Tramadol and considering a more drastic yet permanent fix. After surgery I was feeling much better.

A few months after the last surgery I started having pain and burning in both feet. I started wetting the bed at first. Within two months I started loosing the sensation of needing to urinate. Bowel and sexual issues followed shortly after.

I also have degenerative disc disease that is affecting my lumbar region. Scar tissue is causing the CES issues according to my doctor and the last few MRIs.

I use diapers to handle the bladder incontinence. Bowel issues I time when I can, and rely on the diaper when needed.


Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:09 pm

Hi there,
I started having the occassional 'problem' after a fall at work, I fell down those bloody spiral type stairs that some places have and messed up my back, that took ages to start coming right again, but i noticed i was loosing urine at night. I thought it was the accident atwork that caused it.

Though looking back, i now think it was the first signs of illness showing.
so i say i became incontinent through health problems, i have Sjogrens syndrome, ITP, Alpha 1 anti trypcin deficiency, periphial nueropathy which since my surgery has left me with about 80% sensation loss in my body, and in nov 2006 i had a liver transplant. Since about 94 i have lost controlover my bladder and about 2002 with the progression of the nueropathy, i have lost most of bowel control as well.
life can be fun can't it? :shock:


Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:33 am

Thank you for your first post. By what I read, you have gone trough the ringer by all that you said. We are here for you and offer any support you need. Please feel free to ask any questions or comments as you join in. Paul Martin

Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:16 pm

Thank you Paul,
I really appreciate being allowed to join in!

Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:39 pm

i have been told by many doctors it was because i was born with messed up nerves and a messed up brain.. so i never had continence in the first place..i was very premature and i guess that is why

Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:13 pm

I have always been a bed-wetter, save that it is regarded normal in kids below 5 (I think).
I've been tested in all sorts of ways since I was about eight yrs old but nothing physical ever showed up. It's not psychological either. I don't use drugs apart from ADD meds, but the enuresis dates from long before that.
The closest thing to a diagnosis that I was given was the combined opinion of a neurologist and an urologist two years ago that there is probably a neurological cause. Something, some part in my brain maybe that did not develop or mature.

Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:39 pm

incontinence has come as a symptom of chronic illness for me.

I had problems with urgency and frequency but only really dampness. Then, I had an 'attack' of illness. My head felt odd, then came home one day and wet my pants. woke up next day, got out of bed and wet them again. I got what I think was a UTI and spent hte next 24 hours with painful spasms. Only had a few dry (well damp) days in the few months since then. Started intermittent catheterisation but it's not solving the problems. It all seems to fluctuate a lot.

I'm still undiagnosed having been thrown from specialist to specialist but this makes me more sure that my problems are neurological in origin. I'm going to be asking for a urologist referral at my next doctors appointment.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:43 pm

In a way I'm glad that I at least was given a diagnosis as to why I have no bladder control. Mine is caused by permanent nerve damage from a accident. Still it seems like some of the medical "professionsals" I have seen have a difficult time grasping this. Incontinence is most certainly a misunderstood condition. From my experience more so with the medical community than those who suffer from it.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:11 pm

DDS, did you have any test to come up with physical evidence of the nerve damage, because that is where they are looking at for my problem as well, all stemming from a car accident. I am just wondering what is involved in those tests, even though it is highly unlikely I will have them done in the future. Thanks, Puffy
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