Describe how you become incontinent.
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Nerve Damage...

Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:51 am

I had an MRI of my low back. Although it didn't show any stenosis it did show signs of damage and structural changes. It also had evidence of recurring herniations, infection and swelling.
It was done without contrast so it would not pick up lesions.
My inco can come and go and I have a good idea what type of things are setting it off. Anything putting pressure on my spine will set off swelling, nerve pain and some numbness in the saddle area. Even sitting in a hard chair for 5-10 minutes can set it off for several days.
At the time of the MRI I wasn't getting any inco, but today I am. My legs hurt again, from nerve pain, and my back feels bruised again.
In the past I kept feeling sick, and very sore in my low back, groin, etc. Now I know it was from infections in that area, and some of those infections are in my spine. They also cause swelling, and that in turn puts more pressure on the nerves resulting in pain, tingling, numbness, weakness in my legs and incontinence.
Now I finally have some answers but it feels so weird having fecal incontinence. I think it is the most humiliating symptom I have to deal with. It feels strange having to clean myself there every hour or two.
This is a hard one to accept, harder than urinary incontinence.

Re: Nerve Damage...

Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:16 am

Once upon a time,

Yep, so true. Been there and still am. You are not alone in this as several of us here share similar problems.

However, it seems strange that you are having to clean yourself "every hour or so." What did your doctors say about that?


Re: Nerve Damage...

Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:12 am

Add my welcome and condolences. Spinal issues can range from annoying to embarrassing to excruciating, and every spot in between. Such frequent episodes of fecal incontinence would concern me enough to make me schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Meanwhile, record everything you eat and drink, all your medications, and every instance of fecal incontinence, and have that ready for your doctor. Good luck and keep us informed.

Re: Nerve Damage...

Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:20 pm

I have to clean every hour or two because it leaks very slow but regular. Because it is difficult to poo, and because of painkillers, I try to eat things that keep the stools soft, otherwise I get constipated and that just makes it worse.

If my stools are solid I have more time, but if I wait too long it will push itself out by itself. I have to go as soon as I feel any pressure and not wait until I have the urge to go.

There are two sphincters, in inner and outer. The outer is manual, the inner is auto. That is we the inner sphincter relaxes when it has enough pressure on it, when it relaxes it puts pressure on the outer, the outer sphincter should only relax when we decide to let it relax. But when there is weakness in the outer sphincter it may relax on its own or might be partially or fully relaxed already in which case you have fecal incontinence.

I have more instances when I have to sit for long periods, especially in a hard chair. This is when my saddler area becomes a bit numb. Most of the time I am not aware this is happening, but when I am on the toilet it happens and I can feel the numbing when I touch anything in that area, I can feel that area with my fingers but that area doesn't feel like it is being touched. It lasts as long as I am sitting and goes away shortly after I stand up.

I'm being referred to a specialist and I am on a waiting list.

Re: Nerve Damage...

Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:33 am

Brace yourself for several embarrassing medical exams, in addition to those you have already experienced. You may also be referred for pelvic floor physical therapy, another treatment that those of us with FI have endured. May I suggest that you purchase a foam doughnut or another cushion that you can use for sitting on hard surfaces? I use mine religiously, and it works.

Re: Nerve Damage...

Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:51 am

Ah the donut. I only have reduced control back there, but was also told it would be good for me as well.

I did find at first it seemed to make things a little worse. I think this is because it relieves any pressure on the anus, which in turn makes it easier for poo to slip past. However, it seemed to me the donut also helps to automatically clench your anal sphincter just a little more. After a few months of use, I had a slightly improved level of control. Or so it seemed for me.
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