Describe how you become incontinent.
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Can't really say

Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:45 am

Yeah, I figured I should fill in this blank. My incontinence started about twenty years ago. When I was still working I put in usually around sixty hours a week. Working seven day work weeks (not much fun). Anyways, working like that turns into a marathon. To keep going I drank coffee nonstop. Naturally if you drink a lot, you pee a lot. So I never gave it a thought when I hit the restroom fifteen time a day.

After a while I noticed that I had to go even when I wasn't working. I noticed also that when the urge hit, I felt it considerably more than I used to. After a couple of years of this I had a nervous breakdown due to losing almost everything in my life. That was fifteen years ago.

I was hospitalized and then released with a diagnosis of Bi Polar II. I started down the road of endless drug trials to bring the symptoms under control. These early attemps were disastrous. At different times I lost control of my bladder, bowels, spontaneous vomiting day and night and periods of drug induced disabling brain fog. As this proceeded, I began wetting the bed. This was really hard to confront. Naturally my wife was totally aware of this development. I realized I needed to do something and got on the internet and ordered night time cloth diapers and plastic pants. I had tried disposables for the earlier daytime drug related issues and wasn't pleased with their performance. It took about eight years to finally come up with a drug cocktail that worked. The problem with it was massive fatigue. I found that by taking the prescriptions at night relieved the symptoms. The down side was I slept so deeply that I wet unconsciously. Naturally I kept this all a secret with the doctor. Right?

So then as things got better I found that the need to go to the bathroom during the day seemed to be really frequent.
As I look back I saw that this had been the case for many years. Even when I was still working. What was different was the urge to go had steadily gotten stronger to where I had these rare times that I had small accidents when I couldn't get to the bathroom soon enough. Of course there was a lot of denial and certainly to discussion of such an embarrassing issue with a doctor.

Things began to get complicated when Our daughter got old enough to where she wanted us to go on vacations with her and her husband. My daytime issues had also gotten a bit worse by then. This created problems that all of you here are familiar with. The stash of diapers, heavy for my night time problems and lighter protection for the day. This was all hidden away due to massive embarrassment. As long as a bathroom was convenient there were no problems. But air travel presents real issues as does spending long days vacationing with people that don't have wetting

See the doctor? HECK NO! Way to much embarrassment for that. So, up to now. Nighttime issues are unchanged. I've pretty much given up on that. But the daytime problems came to a head when my daughter invited me on a vacation for two weeks in the Fla, keys. We flew a bare bones flight that ruled out my usual gear. Dummy me thought I could handle it. So down we went with only a bare minimum of protection. It wasn't long before the accidents started. I soaked my underwear several times. The only thing that saved me was the really baggy shorts that didn't get wet. I would return to the hotel and have to rinse out my underwear and hang them to dry. We took several day long excursions that I ended up curtailing any liquids to avoid accidents. I still ended up wetting my underwear but had I not avoided liquids it would have been a disaster. Needless to say abstaining from liquids in 90 degree weather and avoiding my caffeine fix some mornings created painful issues that made a vacation a lot less enjoyable.

When I finally got home I was exhausted. It was a trip to hell, not a vacation. I sat down and talked to my wife and finally admitted that I had a real problem. It wasn't going to go away. I made an appointment to see the doctor. That was terrifying. I also told my close friends and family about my incontinence. That lifted a huge burden off me. I was terrified they might see me diapered. I painted all sorts of horror stories in my head about what would happen if I was caught diapered.

The appointment was an ordeal to say the least. The doctor saw my wife a day later for her appointment and told her he felt so badly about how hard it was to admit to my wetting. He listened patiently and offered referring me to a Urologist. That sent me off the deep end and I think he saw the terror I have of that path. He then offered to prescribe the usual drugs to treat incontinence. I felt much better about that and told him that's the way I'd like to proceed. He prescribed Oxybutynin and I started taking it four days ago. His diagnosis is Over Active Bladder and Urge Incontinence.

So that's where I am now. Hard to say where this is all headed. I want to take the simplest approach possible. Now that everyone knows and there doesn't seem to be any dangerous health issues, I don't see a glaring need to spend thousands of dollars and untold anxiety by pursuing treatments that might end up worthless. I want to try the drugs. I'm hoping that will be an effective treatment. But if that doesn't work out I'll continue managing my incontinence that I've been dealing with for years. Right now I feel it's the best way I want to continue. Ted

Re: Can't really say

Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:36 pm

Well written Ted, it is about the same kinda story for me too, hide it, hide it, can't hide it anymore... off to the doc, same diagnosis as well along with a back injury they suspect is a major contributor to it all, along with prostatitis... it's no wonder I have plumbing issues! I have avoided the meds, but they may be tried in the future. Let us know how the meds do or do not work for you! Puffy

Re: Can't really say

Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:08 am


You have been through the war, and emerged somewhat the worse for wear, but emerged nonetheless. Congratulations. As for the decision whether to invest thousands of dollars in the urological tests that will be admittedly embarrassing and possibly painful, much will depend on the nature of your health insurance. In my case, those tests revealed that my kidneys were under threat; my incontinence would have eventually led to dialysis, had I not been given a sphincterotomy. I am not suggesting that you could be at risk for this, but just to say that incontinence can be more than embarrassing; occasionally it can be life threatening.

Good luck and I look forward to your contributions here.

Re: Can't really say

Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:36 pm


I think most of us can all say we denied at first, unless there was an accident that caused incontinence. I know it took me awhile to break down and tell my doctor let alone my wife. I just think back when I was standing those 4-6 hour watches in the Navy with no bathroom around and thankful my incontinence didn't start then.

Re: Can't really say

Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:49 pm

Hello Patrick, Yes, I agree that there's a possibility of something serious. I discussed this with my family doctor. He did blood work and urine tests along with discussing my symptoms and prostate. My symptoms have been ongoing for 17 years, so if it were really serious I'd probably been planted a long time ago. Also most of my brothers and sisters deal with the same OAB/Urge problems. He came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be in great danger to try the OAB meds. So, that seemed to me to be the best route for right now. If any kind of pain, blood, retention or weak/no stream issues pop up I'll beat feet to see the doctor. thanks for you input, Ted

Re: Can't really say

Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:11 pm

I can also speak towards that fear holding me back as well. Overcoming that fear has probably been the biggest step I have ever made in dealing with my incontinence. Once I got over it I was able to talk to others about it (especially my doctor), and better move towards coping with and addressing my problems.

Re: Can't really say

Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:19 pm

Hope you find the answers you seek, and its good that you've got a supportive family at your side.
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