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Still figuring this out -

Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:16 pm

This has sort of creeped up on me slow then jumped out at me suddenly.

It started as nocturia (frequent night urination) that got in the way of a god night sleep. I learned that by using a nappy at night I could avoid the back and forth trips to the toilet. However over time the frequent trips to the bathroom continued into my early waking hours.
I also suffer from an extreme form of headache called clusters. I get them chronically, daily during the summer months and several days a week during the winter. During attacks I would need to use the restroom frequently but I would also be in severe pain and unable to process the need to go. I resorted to wearing protection during attacks to make my life a bit simpler and to avoid any accidents.
Towards the end of last year and for the first few months I developed a urinary infection. My low back became very sore, I had to use more effort to start urine flowing, it wouldn't completely void and I would get a non-stop dribble after using the toilet. One of my testicles became swollen and tender, which I thought was from a recent vasectomy but might turned out being unrelated. Then I developed a discharge accompanied by cloudy urine and a constant need to urinate. I was put on a long course of antibiotics which helped clear up the infection. Towards the end of the antibiotic treatment I passed several tiny stones. X-Rays came back normal of my kidneys so we think all the stones passed.
Although the infection never returned I'm finding I have to use the restroom frequently throughout the day and I get little warning before it becomes urgent and starts to flow. I had been using small pads but they only helped with small leaks. After a few accidents with the pads I started resorting to heavier protection for the times I can't get to a restroom in time. Life is so much less stressful not having to worry about finding a restroom on short notice.
I suspect my prostate as it has been swollen for some time but my dr. says my PSA levels are normal. I did have a back injury years ago and have suffered from low back pain and nerve pain off and on since. Recently the low back pain has become worse and my legs have swollen. (I'm very young for this to be happening) My right leg is swollen worse, it feels heavy but also a bit numb with tingling and pain in my ankle and toes. My dr. is sending me to a specialist as this is out of her depth (my blood tests are all normal).
So we, my doctor & I, are not quite sure what the root cause is or if all the symptoms are even related. We do know something is going on.

Re: Still figuring this out -

Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:23 am

Wow,....you have several possible causes of your incon. The BEST advice I can give you is try not to worry about what you can't control and make the best out of your situation using whatever type of protection works best for you. As long as you don't have any life threatening causes that's what counts the most. I would suggest you keep in touch with your doc for any new developments, and continue to use protection as needed. There are a LOT worse things than being incon and there is no reason why you can't continue to have a normal life even if you do continue to have leakage. No big deal...... I know. I am incon but I also have a LOT spinal cord, and nerve issues. What to trade? I would much rather be incon and not have any other related issues.

Hope this helps.

Re: Still figuring this out -

Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:22 am

Once Upon A Time,

If you think your problems are prostate related you really ought to be checked for residual urine after voiding. For example, if your bladder empties but there is still 500ml left in, it won't be long before you will need to void again but you will never be properly empty. This sort of situation is quite dangerous - for infection and, potentially for back-flow back to the kidneys

Get it checked out and see if there is something to sort out there.

Re: Still figuring this out -

Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:59 am

Received the results back from my urine flow test today. Came back as abnormally low suggesting a stricture. Waiting to hear back from the doctor to find out what happens next.

Re: Still figuring this out -

Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:10 am

well at least you're finding out what's wrong. It's a good step towards finding how to help you to a solution,
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