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Car Accident

Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:39 am

My Story happened apporx 9 yrs ago I just got out of the Marines I was home for about 6 months I started a new job everything was going wonderfull. One afternoon I was driving along and got hit head on by a impared driver. I remember the guy coming up to my trucking asking me if I was ok and asked if he could leave he just got out of day surgery and wasn't supposed to be driving well I know know why he shouldn't of been driving. I was in alot of pain and was transported to the local hospital. I laid on a back board for about 3hrs I had a Dr come over exam me sent me x rays and told me I prob retorn my ACL and my back was just a bad bruise I was in alot of pain and could barely move and asked what the test showed and I was told I need an MRI. After the Mri I had herniated L3-S1. I had wet myself while on the board and when asked about it I said sorry I didn't know I had to go and they said it was prob them meds. I was sent home and told to follow up with a Dr and was placed on crutches and a back brace. Having no insurance and only auto insurance was a pain to find a Dr the wetting continued it was slow at first couple daytime accident and couple wet beds my parents bought me pullups. I was like no way am I wearing those. Here I was a former US Marine and saw my self as a badass I didn't need diapers. Well long story short my wetting got so bad I end up having to use diapers I was diadnosised with a neruogenic bladder. I had my first back surgery then and a ACl surgery to correct not only the damage caused by the accident but it showed significant damage( apparently the knee sprain I had in the corps was really an mild acl tear) to my knee after all the years of abuse from surving my country. I was also told that I would have little to no control of my bladder ever again. I have since learned to cope with wearing diapers for the most part I still have days I get depressed but for the most part I am live my life and don't let it hold me back. I was also diagnosis with Addreanal Innsuficncy which my body doesn't produce enough corticoid steriods and I have to take meds for it. The bad part is a normal cold for some will land me in the hospital. I tried cathing but kept getting uti's which put me in the hospital so I stoped that and haven't had a uti since. While I was recooping from these injuries I thought what am I going to do with my life and I thought about the time I was hurt in the corps and what the corpsman and others did for me and also the Fire and EMS from the accident how they treated me. Before I got hurt I was work part time as a reserve police officer and Full time Executive Protection. I end up not going back to the police dept and became an EMT then a Paramedic and now I work as a Firefighter Paramedic or that was up till a year and a half ago I was lifting a 380lbs quad that fell out of his wheel chair and ended up herniating L3-L5 and retearing my acl for like the 4th time. I have had 2 back surgies and another Acl surgery and looking at another possible back surgery the MRI next will tell.

Sorry for the long post but that is my story and there is many other stuff in the middle but there wasn't enough space and I would prob bore you even more. Thank you for letting me join this site and hope to either help or get help from others.


Re: Car Accident

Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:36 pm

Welcome jarhead, interesting that there are quite a few here with MVA history, including myself, with low back damage that is causing all kinds of issues in their life. Even more interesting that you wet while on the spine board... so did I... could not get to the bottle fast enough! lol I never got as far as the MRI, but that may be coming sooner then later, as my back went out bad in Feb, to the point where I was unable to stand straight up, and had to resort to a cane for a few weeks. That was the worst pain I have had since my MVA in 95, makes me wonder what is in the future... :cry: All in all, it could always be worse, that I see every day, so I am thankful for what I can do, not what I can't! Puffy

Re: Car Accident

Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:49 am

Welcome, 03jarhead!

Sorry to hear your story of a car accident and all the pain and suffering and need for diapers! And thank you for your service! We have other vets here and I know they will all feel your pain! Incon / leakage issues is a pain, for sure, but it need not stop us from doing what we want to do.

I am with Puffy who takes it as it comes and is thankful for what he can do and doesn't concentrate on what he can't do! He is an inspiration to most of us here on this forum!

Re: Car Accident

Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:22 pm

Thanks JoeK, just adding where I can, and trying to get thru life's day to day pace with the least amount of hassles possible, hate to admit it but being in a diaper makes it all a whole lot easier! :oops: Looking at me, you would be none the wiser to my issues like most of us, and the thought "if you only knew" goes through my head on a daily basis! but better they didn't know! :shock: Puffy

Re: Car Accident

Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:41 am


Thank you for your service!

I have been dealing with back problems that started in the Army. I know you pain too well. I currently have herniated discs at C4-C6 and L3-S1. I have been dealing with incontinence for over 3 years and daily pain for the last 19 years. It has not been a joyride but I am still able to find things that I can enjoy. I have also had two back surgeries and had to recently get my bicep reattached to the radius on one of my arms. I am still in rehab and healing is going slow.

Depression sets in when we don't find things to enjoy. You have to keep you mind busy with enjoyable activities or you will slide into the abyss.

Congratulations on becoming a paramedic. That is not easy.

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