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Describe how you become incontinent.
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Not sure

Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:00 pm

The question is how? The answer is no body has been able to answer that for me! I guess it is what it is.

Re: Not sure

Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:50 am

The jury is still out where I am concerned too. Following several visits to the urologist and lots of tests. plus consultations with my Doctor our practice continence advisor and the diabetic nurse it appears to be a combination of nerve damage due to my diabetes, a slightly enlarged prostate and an unstable bladder. I am now officially diagnosed as incontinent however and supprised to find my medical notes still stated I was enuretic from when I was younger. After almost 30 years of being reliably dry it was a shock to find my self back to regularly wetting at night and having a degree of daytime incontinence. I have accepted it now and have ajusted my lifestyle to cope with it. I am very fortunate I have a very supportive wife who doesn't see my incontinence as a problem only a slight inconvenience. I guess I am lucky in that respect as I have read that many wifes and parteners just can't cope it.

Re: Not sure

Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:23 pm

You are not alone in not having a definitive answer to your issues, I am the same, but I am tested out as far as finding out exactly what is the exact cause, been there, not wanting a return trip to the Uro's office! I can manage just fine where I am at, if it gets much worse in the future, I may investigate it further, but for now, I'm good thanks! Puffy

Re: Not sure

Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:03 am

I suspect a lot of people end up with a diagnosis of 'nerve damage'. It can't really be tested for and covers a multitude of causes. I was diagnosed with MS after I started having problems - 30 years ago - but I lost sensation to the bladder and associated parts so I really don't, to this day, know what's going on down there.

Re: Not sure

Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:33 am

Like most here is seem that are not 100% sure with me as well. I have been diagnosed with a condition called IC. Most of what I have read, IC does not normally cause incontinence but I have messaged a small few that have both conditions. I really feel in my heart that a lifetime of soft drinks had a major hand in what happened to me. It was not uncommon for me to drink 8 to 10 20oz bottles in a day. After the doctors did a cyctiscope with hydrodistention they physically saw the damage to the lining of my bladder.
They have said that there is nothing more they can do for my IC that they have not already done andI need to focus on just maintaining with that. They do feel the incontinence stems from the IC and the damage in the bladder however they have asked about doing more test and procedures to look into that more. I have been poked and proded enough and much rather to just keep using a diaper. This I have control over and other then the emotional side of this, there are no side effects(aside from an occasional rash from time to time). For me a diaper is the lesser of the evils and although it sucks, it could be a lot worse.
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