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possibly a side effect of ablify

Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:17 am

but i have to get my lithium levels checked. I'm on 30 mg of ablify and 600 of lithium. but if it is a side effect of ablify i'll get put on cogentin, and see if that helps.

Re: possibly a side effect of ablify

Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:30 pm


I believe you need to talk to your psychiatrist. It wouldn't hurt you to have a urodynamic workup done either. But start with your Psych. These medications do cause incontinence of the bladder and bowel. Especially Lithium. Lithium is a very old drug. It has been round for decades. The FDA is very familiar with the side effects of that drug. I myself, have type 1 Bipolar Disorder with psychotic features. I take Lithium and Saphris for the Bipolar. I also have ADD and Anxiety. I take Intuniv and Xanax for those. I have been on abilify and hated it. I have also been on Geodon and Seroquel. I became incontinent of urine on Geodon. I ceased the Geodon in 2010 and went on the Lithium/ Saphris combo. It has been the best thing at controlling my mood and mania. I havent been depressed in 2 years so thats good. The lithium made my incontinence worse by far. I have chronic diarrhea and bowel incontinence as wel as OAB and urge bladder incontinence linked to this drug. I have been worked up by a neurologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, and my psychiatrist. All of them believe Lithium is to blame. I have had dozens of tests looking for everything out there. There is no clear cut answer. These doctors know that Lithium is a harsh drug that causes incon. So that is the only possible cause. Everything else has been ruled out. It has taken a couple years to do it all though.

Like I said above, start with your Psychiatrist (Pdoc). I did. Mine was dumbfounded. She has only been practicing medicine for 8 years and had never met anyone with this severe a reaction. I consulted with an older gentlemen Pdoc who is in his 60's and has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. He told me he has met numerous people like me who exhibit these effects. I have tried numerous medications. None worked as good at controlling my mood and psychosis as the Lithium/Saphris. So I'll keep it. I'd rather be stable and wearing diapers than dead. I have also tried numerous anticholinergenics such as detrol and vessicare, enablex, sanctura, etc. They did nothing as long as I was on my Lithium. Lithium is powerful.

If you have more questions, ask.

Re: possibly a side effect of ablify

Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:37 pm

i did, and she thinks it's the ablify but wants to double check my lithium just to be on the safe side, i just haven't made it down to the blood draw lab.
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