
Support for dealing with incontinence
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:07 am 
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Actually, since we are all using psuedonymns here on the forum, I would have thought our identities hard to find out and certainly not obvious. For example, I use wheels5894 on various forums and one can look it up in a google serach but I doubt my real name and details could be found. Really, I can't see why a link in a Facebook page would matter too much although I suppose the person who includes the link would be indentified.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:10 am 
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Sorry for being away so long. We have been on a family vacation and I am just now getting caught up with reading old post.
This is just my thoughts on the FaceBook idea. I think its a bad idea for several reasons,first unless you know exactly how to work the security settings EVERYONE on your friend list will see you "liked" an incontinence page. I am no where close to just blurting out that I have this condition. Another reason is the freaks will come out of the woodworks. With the high influx of new members here and some of the more recent post my spider senses are already tingling about a few people. As big as Facebook is, it would quickly get out of control. Good example of this is Depend recently made a FB page and if you look at some of the profiles of people that make comments or like a post, picture or page, there are quite a few that have pages that are clearly fetish themed. What's sad is last time looked, they only had maybe 500 likes for the page and already they are all over it. Reason it is such an issue time is because one of their post there I have a personal interest in has a "like" by someone and if you look at their profile page, you would be sick. All he post are pictures of himself exposing his diaper in different public places. I want to say even a few of other people seeing him like that while in a public place. (Why anyone would enjoy that is beyond me but that is a discussion for another thread)
Another reason is it would be a lot of work to watch that page as well. Sometimes we have our hand full here and here, schoppy and the other mods have total control. There it would be different.
All and all, my vote would be an overwhelming thumbs down. I think it would be a horrible idea.
Besides, if someone was looking for a support group on this subject, I doubt FB is where they would start.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:38 pm 
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I have thought about having a FB page a few times in the past but with all of the talk on different forums all saying about the same thing. Facebook has a real hard time keeping ANYTHING secret. They keep changing the way FB operates and each time it seams like they open up more ways to have pages connected together. That is all and good, but with the privacy that we keep on this forum, I would not want to have someone "outed" as being incontinent.

But I am open for ideas :)


PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:42 pm 

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schoppy wrote:
Facebook has a real hard time keeping ANYTHING secret. They keep changing the way FB operates and each time it seams like they open up more ways to have pages connected together. That is all and good, but with the privacy that we keep on this forum, I would not want to have someone "outed" as being incontinent.


I'm with you on this one Schoppy- being in a very age-sensitive industry I do not want my IC to become a distraction. Also, I have never trusted FaceBook and their changing ideas about privacy.

- Tom

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:20 am 
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We could, I think, certainly do a Main Page under Groups for this site, no one has to "LIKE" it from their own personal account, just have a page describing this forum & what we are all about, and the Primer, with a website address. That will not be linkable to anyone here, unless they choose to "Like or Follow" that particular group. The only person that would even possibly be identifiable would be Schoppy, if he should so choose to put one on FB... Completely up to him, but we are pretty easy to find via Search engine, that is where people would go to look for support groups first and foremost, not FB... my 2cents... :?: Puffy

BC, Canada
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:29 am 
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Please keep Incontinence suppoer free from FB.
People who have genuine UI, will find it anyway, as I said before I’d like to remain “Anonymous” with my pseudo name in here.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:32 am 

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My complaint about Facebook is how it uses the information volunteered by its subscribers. But it works, because it makes billions.

I do fantasize, however, about the day in the distant future when incontinence will have become so matter-of-fact that it is inconsequential, so commonplace that a Facebook page devoted to it will seem natural to everyone. That may be several generations in the future, but I am sure it will come.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:10 pm 
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Security and to remain anonymous was my first question to Depends when they said they are created a FB. Knowing what I know about computers, I don't even want to look at it on FB for fear it may show I looked at it. It is already embarrassing enough, I couldn't imagine the embarrassment if security settings were screwed up or someone snooping through my profile seeing what groups I like. I would not be a fan.

I found this page through a comment Rope had made on another site. It has definitely helped with my attitude towards being incontinent and how to be prepared for when there are accidents. I did tell my urologist about it so maybe some more of his patients could search for it and get the same help I have.

So once again Thanks to all the contributors to this forum.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:17 am 
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There are actually already a number of incontinence groups on FB. I'm a member of 3 of them. One of them has its setting set to Secret Group, which means not only can members only read post and see whos in the group, but only members can actually even FIND the group. This shouuld assuage fears of anonymity. The group is closely monitored. So, if anyone would like to join these groups send me a PM and id be glad to point you in the right direction :)

As always, peace out!


"We cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love" Mother Teresa

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:02 pm 

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Facebook tracks everything and probably even knows the sites we visit outside Facebook itself, especially if we are logged in. I would not be happy to join any incontinence-related sites on FB. If someone wants to join a group that deals with this issue on FB, I won't stop them, but I'd very much like the forum to stay active here. I'll pass on FB, even though I am a regular user of the service. However, I rarely discuss personal matters there anyways, and incontinence is certainly not one to discuss there at all, at least for me. :D

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